Atlas of Ophthalmology

unilateral central retinal artery occlusion with a cilioretinal artery

unilateral central retinal artery occlusion with a cilioretinal artery
Fundus photographs and fluorescein angiograms of both eyes of a patient with acute retinal artery occlusion in left eye. Normal fundus photograph and corresponding FFA image of right eye (A, C); Fundus photograph and FFA image of left eye revealing diffuse white-yellow retinal appearance correlating with generalized hypoperfusion of the retinal circulation except normal tongue-shaped area with cilioretinal artery vessel at the disc margin (black arrow in B; black circle in D) and yellow retinal emboli showing in the inferior temporal quadrant (blue arrow in B; blue circle in D) with characteristic cherry red spot at the foveola (yellow circle in B)
Wang, Xiaogang, Ph.D., Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Shanghai, China; Dong, Jing ,, The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi, Chian; Ren, Peixian, Prof. Dr. med., The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Shanxi, China
视网膜 -> Vascular Diseases / Systemic Immunologic Diseases -> Arterial Obstructive Disease of the Eye
retinal artery occlusion, cilioretinal artery
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