Atlas of Ophthalmology

Luxatio lentis after Blunt Bulbus Trauma and Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome (Colour Image)

Luxatio lentis after Blunt Bulbus Trauma and Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome (Colour Image)
80 years of age, male; OD, 4 weeks after a blunt trauma decrease of visual acuity: VA OD/OS 0.2/0.9, IOP 12/ 17 mmHg. Since several years known ocular hypertension due to pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Now good visible lens luxation (arrows) downwards due to weak zonula fibers caused by pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
Link, Barbara,, Augenklinik mit Poliklinik, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für augenheilkundliche Präventivmedizin und Imaging, Universität Erlangen, Deutschland, Erlangen, Deutschland
Lens -> Cataract and Associated Systemic Diseases (see: Systemic Diseases)
Luxatio lentis, PEX, weak zonula fibers
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