Atlas of Ophthalmology

Posterior Lenticonus, Slitlamp

Posterior Lenticonus, Slitlamp
32 years lady presented to us with dimness of vision in both the eyes. On refraction she was having -12D (OD) and -14D (OS) lenticular myopia with normal axial length. On slit lamp examination of the lens a conical, in the center more bulging posterior surface. She was not having systemic abnormalities often associated with posterior lenticonus. It is thought that thinning of the posterior lens capsule alllows bulging of the lens posteriorly. Frequently a posterior polar cataract develops.
Gajiwala , Uday , M.D., ¦2
Lens -> Congenital and Juvenile Cataracts, Usually Bilateral (see also: Congenital Syndromes) -> Lenticonus (-globus) -> Case: Posterior Lenticonus
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