Atlas of Ophthalmology

Paraneoplastic Retinopathy, Cancer Associated (CAR), Histology

Paraneoplastic Retinopathy, Cancer Associated (CAR), Histology
Paraneoplastic retinopathy is a remote (autoimmune) degeneration of the retina without invasion of the eye by malignant tumor, most frequently of the lung. Progressive visual loss caused by spotty loss of photoreceptors and disruption of the corresponding pigment epithelium. Note the lack of interdigitation with photoreceptors and the dilated mitochondria of the photoreceptor cells.
David Cogan, M.D., National Eye Institute, Washington DC, USA, DOP meeting 1988
视网膜 -> Toxic Retinopathies; see also Light Toxicitiy -> Cancer Associated Retinopathy (CAR)
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